2024第39周 行业简讯




Baic New Energy will increase capital by 12 billion



Recently, BAIC Blue Valley issued an announcement that the shareholders' meeting has reviewed and passed the proposal to increase capital to its subsidiary BAIC New Energy and increase capital and expand shares of BAIC New Energy. According to the normal process, the capital increase plan of BAIC new energy totaling 12 billion yuan is about to start. Baic Blue Valley said that the capital increase is mainly to meet the needs of subsidiary business development and optimize the capital structure. According to the plan, the pricing of the capital increase is based on the assessed value of 100% of BAIC New Energy's equity of 25.716 billion yuan, the price of the capital increase is not lower than the evaluation result of the record, and the final price is determined by the trading result of the public listing in the Beijing property rights trading institution.



(Editor: Transmotor)




GWM accelerates Indonesia layout


从汽车出海视野获悉,近日,长城汽车(GWM)和Inchape Automotive Indonesia在位于西爪哇茂物Wanaherang的英之杰制造工厂正式生产哈弗 Jolion HEV。Jolion HEV成为第一款在本地组装的长城汽车。Inchape Automotive Indonesia总裁Khoo Shao Tze表示,长城汽车实现本地生产证明了他们在印尼市场的认真态度。

Recently, Great Wall Motors (GWM) and Inchape Automotive Indonesia officially produced the Hav Jolion HEV at the Yingzj manufacturing plant in Wanaherang, Bogor, West Java. Jolion HEV became the first Great Wall car to be assembled locally. Khoo Shao Tze, president of Inchape Automotive Indonesia, said Great Wall Motor's implementation of local production is proof of their seriousness in the Indonesian market.



(Editor: Car sea view)




Saic Volkswagen responded to shut down the plant



Recently, in response to the rumors on the market that the Nanjing factory of SAIC Volkswagen will be closed, SAIC Volkswagen said that the adjustment of the production base is a necessary business behavior. Based on enterprise strategic planning and response to market trends, it is a normal and necessary business behavior for enterprises to adjust their production bases. This adjustment is not only a positive response to the current trend, but also an active planning and investment for future development.



(Credit: Electric Zhijia)




Volkswagen China responded to hundreds of layoffs



On September 23, there was news that Volkswagen began to reduce the staff of its Chinese headquarters, and the number of layoffs will reach hundreds of people. In response to this, Volkswagen China said that the Volkswagen Group launched a performance plan in all its brands last year, according to the set goal: to improve efficiency by 20% by 2026. Volkswagen Group China, like all other divisions, actively participates in and supports global performance plans. "In this context, Volkswagen Group China is continuously improving the efficiency and cost optimization of all departments and projects. Depending on the actual situation, the relevant measures also involve direct manpower costs and indirect manpower costs including administrative expenses, travel costs and training costs."



(Editor: Caixin)




Geely will build a factory in Vietnam



On September 24, Vietnamese enterprise Tasco issued a statement announcing the signing of an agreement with Geely Automobile to establish a joint venture for an automobile assembly plant in Vietnam's Taiping province, with a total investment of about 168 million US dollars. Among them, Tasco contributed 64% and Geely Automobile contributed 36%, and the first phase of the design annual capacity of 75,000 vehicles. This is Geely Auto's first investment in the construction of a factory in Vietnam, and also provides a later reference significance for other domestic brands in the development of the Vietnamese market. The plant will be assembled in CKD form, involving models under the Lynk & Co and Geely Auto brands, with the possibility of expanding to other brands in the future. Construction of the new plant is expected to begin in the first half of 2025, with the first models expected to be delivered in early 2026.



(Editor: After monsoon steam)




Geely New Energy Vehicle headquarters starts! It will be completed in 2028


9月29日,宁波市北仑区重大项目促进大会暨吉利新能源汽车总部项目开工仪式在甬江科创区总部港举行。项目计划于 2028 年 3 月竣工。届时,这里将成为吉利新能源汽车项目管理总部,具备研发、采购、销售、售后服务、人力、财务、行政及其他职能。近年来,吉利汽车集团总部、领克汽车总部、smart品牌全球总部、极氪全球总部相继在宁波落户。

On September 29, the Major Project Promotion Conference of Beilun District of Ningbo City and the groundbreaking ceremony of Geely New Energy Vehicle Headquarters project were held at the headquarters port of Yongjiang Science and Technology Innovation District. The project is scheduled for completion in March 2028. At that time, this will become the Geely New energy Vehicle project management headquarters, with research and development, procurement, sales, after-sales service, human reEditors, finance, administration and other functions. In recent years, Geely Auto Group headquarters, Lynk & Co Automotive headquarters, smart brand global headquarters, and polar Krypton global headquarters have successively settled in Ningbo.



(Credit: auto.gasgoo)




Cyrus raises $5 billion



According to Qilu One Point reported, the company has recently undergone industrial and commercial changes, and its registered capital has increased from 4.96 billion yuan to 9.96 billion yuan. The company was established in September 2012, the legal representative is Cen Yuanchuan, the business scope for research and development, production and sales of new energy vehicles and their parts, which is wholly owned by Celis.



(Editor: Qilu One Point)




Saic Audi's first new car local development


据“36 氪汽车”报道,奥迪从德国总部委派了50余名技术专家到上海参与研发工作,新车将于今年11月亮相,明年正式推向市场。




According to the "36 Kr Auto" report, Audi from the German headquarters assigned more than 50 technical experts to Shanghai to participate in the research and development work, the new car will be unveiled in November this year, the official launch of the market next year.

The first car of the Audi SAIC project, codenamed "purple427" internally, is a B-class pure tram. The new car was developed by a Chinese team with a planning period of less than 18 months, which is more than half that of the Audi e-tron series.

Audi SAIC project to fully use the SAIC supply chain, "almost all the work is connected with the SAIC team, Audi only in individual configuration intervention." The new car will initially be available only in China.

It shows that SAIC Audi not only has SAIC to lead the research and development, but also adopts SAIC localization in the supply of parts. Importantly, this new car is only sold in the Chinese market, which can be said to be a fully localized car with local research and development, local production and local sales.


(来源:36 氪汽车)

(Credit: 36kR Automotive)




BMW has denied a return to the price war




Geste Automobile noted that recently there have been rumors that BMW has made a decision to reduce the price of relevant models in the Chinese market. Relevant people believe that due to the impact of multiple factors such as recent sales shocks, market pressure and fierce market competition, BMW has returned to the "price war".

For rumors, on September 24, BMW China officials responded that in 2024, competition in the Chinese auto market has further intensified, and almost all brands are facing the same challenge. However, BMW has not made any recent changes to the suggested retail price. Authorized dealers decide the retail price independently according to the market conditions, and the final transaction price is affected by the specific trading conditions.



(Credit: auto.gasgoo)




Chery Automobile has delayed production of electric cars in Spain because of EU tariffs


盖世汽车讯 据彭博社报道,在欧盟对中国产电动汽车加征临时进口关税后,奇瑞汽车已将在欧洲投产电动汽车的目标推迟了一年。知情人士透露,目前,奇瑞汽车计划于2025年10月在西班牙投产其旗舰车型Omoda 5电动汽车。



According to Bloomberg News, Chery Automobile has delayed its goal of producing electric vehicles in Europe by one year after the European Union imposed temporary import duties on Chinese-made electric vehicles. At present, Chery Automobile plans to start production of its flagship Omoda 5 electric vehicle in Spain in October 2025, according to people familiar with the matter.

Chery Automobile is assessing how EU tariffs on electric vehicles in China will affect its plans to ship partially assembled vehicles to Europe for final assembly, according to people familiar with the matter.

Chery representatives in Spain and China declined to comment on the report, while a spokesman for Ebro could not be reached.



(Credit: auto.gasgoo)




Ba New Energy adjusted the production layout, and the capacity of the new site in Miyun was reduced to 120,000 vehicles



Recently, BAIC Blue Valley announced that its subsidiary Beijing New Energy Automobile Co., LTD. (referred to as "BAIC New Energy") will move the production base to 188 Xitong Road, Miyun District, Beijing. This change means that the production capacity of BAIC new energy will be significantly reduced, from the original 320,000 to 120,000. The move was interpreted as a major strategic shift by the company to address market challenges.



(Editor: First Electric)




Beijing Automobile Co., Ltd. officially announced the replacement of the logo



September 23 news, Beijing Automobile Co., Ltd. recently announced that its company logo has been changed, effective from the date of this announcement. According to the official, the new logo will be used for relevant company documents (including but not limited to interim and annual reports, announcements, circulars, circulars, stock and press releases). At present, Beijing Automotive Co., Ltd. owns Beijing brand, Beijing Benz, Beijing Hyundai, Fujian Benz and other brands.



(Credit: auto.gasgoo)




Nezha received 1.3 billion in support


从盖世汽车每日速递获悉,近日,哪吒汽车宣布与拉美最大投资银行——巴西百达投资银行(BTG Pactual)及巴西进口贸易商Sertrading签署战略合作。根据协议,巴西百达投资银行将携手Sertrading为哪吒汽车在巴西市场提供10亿雷亚尔(约13亿人民币)的金融支持,用于进口服务、充电设施建设等,助力巴西新能源汽车普及。

Recently, Nezha Automobile announced the signing of strategic cooperation with Latin America's largest investment bank - Brazil's BTG Pactual investment bank and Brazil's import trader Sertrading. According to the agreement, Brazil Baida Investment Bank will work with Sertrading to provide 1 billion reais (about 1.3 billion yuan) of financial support for Nezha in the Brazilian market for import services, charging facilities construction, etc., to help popularize new energy vehicles in Brazil.



(Credit: auto.gasgoo)




Millet new car planning exposure


从智能汽车电子与软件获悉,近日,有博主曝光了一张博世流出的小米汽车产品路线图,从线路图来看, 在2025年,小米汽车将推出小米SU7 Ultra量产版以及代号为MX11的全新纯电SUV,而在2026年,将推出一款代号为N3的增程SUV。

Recently, a blogger exposed a Bosch outflow of millet car product roadmap, from the line map, in 2025, millet car will launch millet SU7 Ultra production version and codenamed MX11 new pure electric SUV, and in 2026, will launch a codenamed N3 extended range SUV.



(Editor: Smart Car Electronics & Software)




Millet Kunlun or landing in Wuhan



It was learned from beta technology that recently, there was a network message that Xiaomi's third model may be produced in Wuhan. As of press time, millet official did not respond to the relevant news. According to previous Revelations, millet car internal plan to release three models in three years, the first model "Modena" has come out, that is, millet SU7 series, has been harvested more than 100,000 orders, monthly sales stable over 10,000. The second model, code-named "Le Mans" internally, is expected to be a pure electric SUV model, which has frequently exposed spy photos recently, is expected to officially debut at the end of 2024, and begin to go on sale in 2025, and the pricing should be higher than the millet SU7. The third model internal code "Kunlun", is a hybrid model, positioning entry-level, the price may be about 150,000 yuan.



(Editor: beta Tech)




Part of the foundation of Xiaomi's second factory has been built


从iSci爱科技获悉,近日,位于北京经济技术开发区的小米汽车二期工厂所在地,二期工厂紧邻已投产的一期工厂,该地块已进入施工阶段,目前部分地基已经完成阶段性建设。根据此前北京亦庄开发区公告,该地块以约8.42亿元,竞得方为小米通讯科技旗下的小米景曦科技有限公司。该地位于小米汽车工厂东侧,土地面积 53.1 万平方米,即目前正在施工建设的二期工厂所在地。根据该项目规划设计方案、总平面图等公开资料,该地块建筑规划包括 1 号生产厂房、2 号生产厂房、3 号生产厂房、设备用房、地下车库及出入口。

It was learned from iSci Love Science and Technology that recently, located in the Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, the second phase of the Xiaomi automobile factory is located, the second phase of the factory is close to the first phase of the plant that has been put into production, the plot has entered the construction stage, and some foundations have completed the stage construction. According to the previous announcement of Beijing Yizhuang Development Zone, the land parcel was about 842 million yuan, and the winning party was Millet Jingxi Technology Co., LTD., a subsidiary of Millet Communication Technology. It is located on the east side of the Xiaomi auto factory, with a land area of 531,000 square meters, which is where the second phase of the factory is currently under construction. According to the project planning and design scheme, general plan and other public materials, the construction planning of the plot includes No. 1 production plant, No. 2 production plant, No. 3 production plant, equipment room, underground garage and entrance.



(Editor: iSci Love Technology)




Nio China received a new round of capital increase from strategic investors: a total of 3.3 billion yuan




On September 29, NIO Motor announced today that it signed a strategic investment agreement with three existing shareholders of NIO Holding Co., LTD. - Hefei Jianheng New Energy Vehicle Investment Fund Partnership (Limited partnership), Anhui High-tech Industry Investment Co., LTD., and SDI Merchants Investment Management Co., LTD.

According to the agreement, the three strategic investors will subscribe to the newly issued shares of NIO China with 3.3 billion yuan in cash, and NIO will also invest 10 billion yuan in cash to subscribe to the newly issued shares of NIO China.



(Editor: TechWeb.com.cn)




Stellantis will be making its first public appearance under the Zero-run car brand


9月25日,Stellantis集团宣布,其将携旗下雪铁龙、标致及阿尔法·罗密欧品牌参加于10月14日至20日举办的第90届“巴黎国际车展”,同时也将首次公开亮相零跑汽车品牌。由这4个品牌组成的展出阵容将合计陈列26台展车,其中包括5款全球首秀车型。零跑全新C级SUV B10,D级纯电动SUV C10以及A00级紧凑型城市纯电动车T03。

On September 25, Stellantis Group announced that it will take its Citroen, Peugeot and Alfa Romeo brands to the 90th Paris International Motor Show, which will be held from October 14 to 20, and will also make its first public appearance of the running car brand. The lineup of the four brands will feature a total of 26 cars, including five world debuts. Zerorun's new C-class SUV B10, D-class pure electric SUV C10 and A00 class compact urban pure electric vehicle T03.



(Credit: auto.gasgoo)




Great Wall Motor officially launches CKD plant project in Vietnam



值得注意的是,今年1月,长城汽车还和马来西亚上市集团公司EP Manufacturing Berhad(EPMB)正式完成CKD合作签约,据悉这也是长城汽车在东盟地区的首个CKD项目,即将正式启动。另外,长城汽车还在印尼投建了组装厂,也计划于下半年正式投产。

A few days ago, Great Wall Motor announced that it has signed a memorandum of cooperation with Vietnam Cheng 'an Group, the two sides will carry out CKD assembly cooperation in Vietnam, and it is expected that by the end of 2025, Great Wall Motor will realize Vietnamese cars made in Vietnam.

It is worth noting that in January this year, Great Wall Motor also officially completed the CKD cooperation signing with EP Manufacturing Berhad (EPMB), a listed group company in Malaysia, which is reported to be the first CKD project of Great Wall Motor in the ASEAN region and will be officially launched soon. In addition, Great Wall Motor has also invested in Indonesia to build an assembly plant, which is also planned to be officially put into production in the second half of the year.



(Credit: auto.gasgoo)




China and Europe agree to end electric car tariff dispute with minimum export price



China and the European Union agreed to settle a dispute over tariffs on Chinese-made electric cars, with Chinese automakers promising to sell electric cars in the EU at the lowest prices, a Chinese commerce Ministry spokesman said. The spokesperson said that "technical teams from both sides are negotiating a flexible price commitment scheme" and that "every effort is being made to reach a consensus on the framework of a solution before the EU makes a final ruling on electric vehicle tariffs."



(Credit: auto.gasgoo)




Zhengzhou: Strive to reach 3 million vehicle production capacity by 2025



On September 23, the 2024 China (Zhengzhou) New Energy Vehicle Eco-Partner Conference opened in Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center. He Xiong, deputy Party secretary and mayor of Zhengzhou, introduced the economic development and the layout of the automobile industry in Zhengzhou at the opening ceremony. In the next step, Zhengzhou will take electrification, networking and intelligence as the direction, focus on pure electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles and intelligent connected vehicles, and actively build a "car +" new automobile industry ecosystem, comprehensively improve the scale level of new energy and intelligent connected automobile industry, and strive to reach 3 million vehicle production capacity by 2025. The output of new energy vehicles exceeded 1.5 million, the scale of the vehicle industry reached 500 billion yuan, the number of auto parts enterprises exceeded 500, and the local allocation rate of parts reached more than 60%.



(Editor: Caixin)




Volkswagen factory shutdown conflict escalates


据界面报道,9月25日,大众汽车公司和工会就大幅削减成本展开谈判,双方之间的紧张关系多年来从未如此严重。谈判的焦点在于大众汽车公司计划在本月初取消数十年之久的就业保护后,首次关闭德国工厂。德国金属工业工会(IG Metall)誓言要对抗这些计划,并威胁要举行罢工,使这家欧洲最大的汽车制造商瘫痪数周。工会代表称,不会就工厂关闭和大规模裁员进行任何谈判。如果大众坚持削减计划,那么“成千上万的同事将迫使公司重回正轨”。

On September 25, Volkswagen and labor unions began talks on deep cost cuts, with tensions between the two sides not as high as they have been in years. The talks center on Volkswagen's plan to close its German plants for the first time after removing decades-old employment protections earlier this month. Germany's IG Metall trade union has vowed to fight the plans and threatened a strike that would cripple Europe's biggest carmaker for weeks. Union representatives said there would be no negotiations over plant closures and mass layoffs. If VW sticks to the cuts, "thousands of colleagues will force the company back on track."



(Editor: Interface)




Volkswagen Group has again lowered its full-year 2024 financial forecast due to weak demand for vehicles


盖世汽车讯 据路透社报道,9月27日,大众汽车集团在不到三个月的时间内第二次下调了其2024全年财务预期,原因是其乘用车部门的业绩弱于预期,且该公司所面临的压力持续上升。




(Reuters) - Volkswagen Group cut its full-year 2024 financial forecast for the second time in less than three months on Sept. 27, as weaker-than-expected results at its passenger car division and pressure on the company continued to mount.

Volkswagen Group now expects its 2024 profit margin to be around 5.6%, down from "6.5% to 7%" previously and below the London Stock Exchange Group's (LSEG) forecast of 6.5%. At the same time, Volkswagen Group expects its sales in 2024 to fall 0.7 percent to 320 billion euros ($356.7 billion), after initially expecting a year-on-year increase of up to 5 percent.

Volkswagen Group also lowered its global delivery forecast for this year to about 9 million vehicles, down from its previous forecast, when it expected its full-year sales in 2024 to increase by more than 3 percent from "9.24 million vehicles in 2023."

At the same time, Volkswagen Group said it now expects net cash flow in its automotive division to be around 2 billion euros, down from its previous forecast of "2.5 billion to 4.5 billion euros."



(Credit: auto.gasgoo)




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