2024第36周 行业简讯 Week36 News



2024第36周 行业简讯 

Week36 News


Rongfang Lingfang factory quality confirmation completed



According to FAW Toyota News, recently, the factory quality confirmation meeting for FAW Toyota Rongfang and Lingfang 2024 special edition was successfully held at the inspection factory. The meeting was chaired by the Quality Assurance Department Changchun Branch, and attended by leaders from the Toyota Development Department, Toyota Technical Center Production Management Department, Sales Company Service Department, Changchun Fengyue Branch, and relevant department heads. A comprehensive evaluation and confirmation of the upcoming new vehicle models were conducted to ensure excellent quality for mass production.



(From: FAW Toyota News)




Lotus will change its name



It was learned from Fengfeng Auto that Lotus Group CEO Feng Qingfeng recently revealed in a media interview that Lotus Automobile will soon become Lotus' official Chinese name. Feng Qingfeng stated that the reason for changing Lotus' Chinese name to "Lotus" was because when Lotus entered the Chinese market, the name "Lotus" had already been registered by another component company. This component company has never used the name "Lotus" in the field of whole vehicles. In this situation, after more than two years of effort, Lotus, the Chinese famous general, has returned.



(From: After monsoon steam)



ChangAn Thailand New Energy Base will be officially put into operation



According to YiChe, ChangAn Automobile recently announced that its first overseas base, the "Thailand New Energy Base," is progressing smoothly according to the construction plan and is expected to be officially put into operation in the first quarter of next year. At the same time, the company is discussing the construction of bases in Central and South America, as well as Europe, to promote the rapid and healthy development of new energy vehicles through globalization.



(From: Yi Che)




ChangAn establishes German subsidiary



According to the official WeChat account of ChangAn Automobile, the German subsidiary of ChangAn Automobile has been officially registered and established in Munich recently! In addition to sales, marketing, and services, the German subsidiary will also focus on customer insights, market research, technical regulations and regulatory certification, and product localization, marking ChangAn Automobile's further deepening of its presence in the European market.



(From: ChangAn Automobile WeChat)




BYD denies delaying the establishment of a factory in Mexico


据IT之家报道,此前,有消息称比亚迪已将在墨西哥设厂的计划推迟至今年美国大选之后,暂停的建厂计划仍有可能恢复或改变。9月4日,比亚迪针对此事发布声明称,公司没有推迟在墨西哥建厂的决定。比亚迪执行副总裁李柯(Stella Li)在声明中表示:“我们将继续努力为墨西哥市场建造一座具有最高技术标准的工厂,而不是为美国市场和出口市场。对于比亚迪而言,墨西哥市场非常重要。”

According to IT Home, it has been reported that BYD has postponed its plan to set up a factory in Mexico until after this year's US election, and the suspended construction plan may still be restored or changed. On September 4th, BYD issued a statement regarding this matter, stating that the company has not postponed its decision to build a factory in Mexico. BYD's Executive Vice President Stella Li said in a statement, "We will continue to work hard to build a factory with the highest technical standards for the Mexican market, rather than for the US and export markets. For BYD, the Mexican market is very important



(From: IT Home)




Mercedes Benz and Chinese partners jointly increase investment by 14 billion yuan, with domestically produced long wheelbase models such as GLE and CLA



近日,已经开启年内第四次访华的梅赛德斯-奔驰集团股份公司董事会主席康林松(Ola Källenius),在谈及中国市场对于奔驰的发展意义时,这样说到。他还表示:“我们将继续秉持‘在华发展,与华共进’的初心,携手中国伙伴共享长期发展机遇。”

9月4日,奔驰宣布,计划与中国合作伙伴共同在华投资超140亿元人民币,进一步丰富乘用车和轻型商务车的本土化产品阵容。通过这些在中国的投资,奔驰将为北京、福州及周边地区的新质生产力和产业集群发展注入新动能。自2025年起,梅赛德斯-奔驰将陆续投产中国专属的全新纯电长轴距CLA车型、长轴距GLE SUV 新车型,以及基于VAN.EA平台的全新豪华纯电MPV。

The Chinese market is one of the important pillars of Mercedes Benz Group's global strategy, and also an important driving force for our electrification transformation and technological innovation

Recently, Ola K ä llenius, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mercedes Benz Group, who has already embarked on his fourth visit to China this year, said this when discussing the significance of the Chinese market for the development of Mercedes Benz. He also said, "We will continue to uphold the original intention of 'developing in China and advancing with China', and work together with Chinese partners to share long-term development opportunities

On September 4th, Mercedes Benz announced plans to invest over 14 billion yuan in China with Chinese partners to further enrich its localized product lineup of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. Through these investments in China, Mercedes Benz will inject new momentum into the development of new quality productivity and industrial clusters in Beijing, Fuzhou, and surrounding areas. Starting from 2025, Mercedes Benz will gradually produce new pure electric long wheelbase CLA models, long wheelbase GLE SUV models, and VAN based models exclusively for China A brand new luxury pure electric MPV on the EA platform.



(From: iautodaily)




The new Volkswagen Golf GTI officially goes offline



Recently, Car Quality Network learned from relevant channels that the new Volkswagen Golf GTI has officially been launched. The Golf GTI is a high-performance version of the Volkswagen Golf. As a mid-term facelift model, it has undergone some adjustments to its appearance, making it more visually impactful. However, its power remains unchanged, still equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged engine.



(From: Car Quality Net/ 12365auto)




BAIC Blue Valley: Subsidiary plans to publicly list and increase capital by no more than 10 billion yuan



On September 2nd, BAIC Blue Valley announced that its subsidiary, BAIC New Energy, plans to increase its capital and shares by introducing strategic investors through public listing. The amount of capital increase will not exceed 10 billion yuan, and the price of capital increase will not be lower than the evaluation result. After the capital increase, the company remains the controlling shareholder of BAIC New Energy.


(来源:第一电动网 d1ev)

(From: First Electric Net/ d1ev)




BYD: Pakistan's electric vehicle market share is expected to reach 50% by 2030


比亚迪巴基斯坦公司(BYD Pakistan)表示,到2030年,在巴基斯坦售出的所有汽车中,将有多达50%实现某种形式的电动化,符合全球目标。比亚迪已于上月宣布进入巴基斯坦,并计划在2026年初在当地开设一家组装厂。

BYD Pakistan has stated that by 2030, up to 50% of all cars sold in Pakistan will achieve some form of electrification, in line with global targets. BYD announced its entry into Pakistan last month and plans to open an assembly plant there in early 2026.



(From: gasgoo)




Xiaomi will increase investment in Africa



According to Zhengzhi Jian, the 8th China Africa Entrepreneurs Conference was recently held in Beijing on September 6th. Lei Jun, founder, chairman, and CEO of Xiaomi Group, introduced that Xiaomi's products have entered more than 100 countries and regions, and Africa is an important part of Xiaomi's international market. Lei Jun stated that the next step will be to deeply cultivate existing markets, explore new markets, and increase investment in the African continent. Xiaomi hopes to have the opportunity to strengthen cooperation with African companies in various emerging industries, including new energy vehicles.



(From: Zhengzhi Jian)




Skyworth Automotive collaborates with Polytron


从开沃集团获悉,近日,创维汽车与印尼Djarum Group嘉润集团旗下的高科技子公司Polytron在印尼雅加达正式签署了一项具有里程碑意义的MOU战略合作协议。此次合作涵盖了KD(Knocked Down,即散件组装)工厂建设、联合产品开发、以及软硬件的本地化开发等多个关键领域,标志着双方在推动新能源汽车在印尼市场的普及与本地化进程上迈出了坚实的一步。

According to Kaiwo Group, Skyworth Auto and Polytron, a high-tech subsidiary of Djarum Group in Indonesia, have recently signed a milestone MOU strategic cooperation agreement in Jakarta, Indonesia. This cooperation covers multiple key areas such as KD (Knocked Down) factory construction, joint product development, and localized development of software and hardware, marking a solid step for both parties in promoting the popularization and localization of new energy vehicles in the Indonesian market.



(From: Kaiwo Group)




Former Goldman Sachs CEO Panden to join Nezha Motors



财联社汽车:今年 6 月,合众向港交所递交招股说明书,有望成第五家登陆港股的新势力车企,此次人事变动有望进一步推动哪吒汽车IPO进程。

On September 6th, it was reported that Pan Deng, former Managing Director of Goldman Sachs (Asia), will join Nezha Motors and be responsible for Nezha's IPO. According to sources close to Nezha Motors, this adjustment is a normal change. It is understood that Panden worked at Goldman Sachs for 9 years, responsible for investment banking business. Previously worked at Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, and QRM, a US consulting firm.

Caixin Auto: In June of this year, Hezhong submitted its prospectus to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which is expected to become the fifth new force car company to list on the Hong Kong stock market. This personnel change is expected to further promote the IPO process of Nezha Auto.



(From: cailianpress)



华为:目前仍控股引望 与北汽蓝谷、江淮汽车等正在洽谈合作

Huawei: Currently still holds controlling stake in Yinwang, and is in talks for cooperation with BAIC Blue Valley, Jianghuai Automobile, and others



On September 3rd, Huawei officials stated that in the short term, Yinwang Company will be controlled by Huawei. However, Yinwang's investment cooperation is open to all car companies, and relevant cooperation between Huawei and car company partners such as BAIC Blue Valley and Jianghuai Automobile is currently under negotiation. Changan Automobile and Sailis recently purchased 10% equity of Yinwang Company held by Huawei for 11.5 billion yuan each. Huawei Executive Director Yu Chengdong recently stated that intelligence is the key in the second half of the development of new energy vehicles.



(From: cailianpress)




The manufacturing industry is fully open to foreign investment, and China has once again lowered the negative list for foreign investment access




On September 8th, China issued the "Special Management Measures for Foreign Investment Access (Negative List) (2024 Edition)", which comprehensively lifted the restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing industry and came into effect on November 1st.


In the new version of the negative list, two items are deleted: "the printing of publications must be controlled by the Chinese side", and "investment in the application of processing technologies such as steaming, frying, roasting, and calcining of Chinese herbal pieces and the production of traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations secret prescription products is prohibited". These are also the only two restrictions related to manufacturing in the last version. This means that after the implementation of the new negative list on November 1st, foreign and domestic investment will enjoy equal treatment in the entry process of the manufacturing industry. The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission stated on the 8th that manufacturing is the earliest open field in China, as well as the field with the most intense market competition and the closest global industrial division of labor and cooperation. The comprehensive lifting of restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector fully demonstrates China's positive willingness to expand international cooperation and its clear attitude towards supporting economic globalization. China will rely on its advantage in a super large market to support exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and foreign enterprises, and promote the high-end, intelligent, and green development of the manufacturing industry.



(From: gasgoo)




Stellantis will build a new production line in Argentina


从盖世汽车 gasgoo社区获悉,近日,汽车制造商Stellantis南美业务负责人Emanuele Cappellano表示,该公司将在2025年至2030年期间向其位于阿根廷科尔多瓦省(Cordoba)的工厂投资3.85亿美元。


According to the Gasgoo community of GAC Motor, Emanuele Cappellano, the head of Stellantis' South American business, recently announced that the company will invest $385 million in its factory located in Cordoba province, Argentina between 2025 and 2030.

According to Stellantis' plan, the company will invest 5.6 billion euros (approximately 6.22 billion US dollars) in the South American market between 2025 and 2030. Cappellano stated that Stellantis' $385 million investment in the Argentine factory is part of the aforementioned plan, which will be used to build a brand new car and engine production line, but did not provide further details.


(来源:盖世汽车 gasgoo)

(From: gasgoo)




Volkswagen or layoffs


中国经济网获悉,近日,大众汽车集团发布声明称,公司正考虑关闭其在德国的一家汽车制造厂和一家零部件厂,此举表明该公司正面临来自亚洲竞争对手日益严峻的价格压力。计划如果实施,除可能关停德国本土工厂之外,大众下一步或还将结束上世纪90年代以来同工会组织达成的工作岗位保护协议,进而启动裁员进程。此举也标志着大众集团首席执行官Oliver Blume与拥有巨大影响力的大众汽车工会之间将首次发生重大冲突。

According to China Economic Net, Volkswagen Group recently released a statement stating that the company is considering closing one of its car manufacturing plants and one parts factory in Germany, indicating that the company is facing increasingly severe price pressure from Asian competitors. If the plan is implemented, in addition to possibly shutting down local factories in Germany, Volkswagen's next step may also be to end the job protection agreement reached with union organizations since the 1990s, and then initiate the layoff process. This move also marks the first major conflict between Oliver Blume, CEO of Volkswagen Group, and the influential Volkswagen union.



(From: China Economic Net)



All Toyota Japan factories shut down



It has been learned from the automotive industry that recently, due to the impact of Typhoon Shanshan, the 10th typhoon of this year, Japanese automaker Toyota's 14 factories in Japan, totaling 28 production lines, will continue to shut down until the morning of September 2nd. On September 2nd, it will be judged whether to resume work in the afternoon. On August 28th, Toyota announced that all factories in Japan would temporarily shut down, with an expected shutdown time from the evening of the same day to the morning of the 29th.



(From: autochat)




Sharp officially announces entry into the electric vehicle field: using Foxconn platform to build




On September 6th, Sharp announced its entry into the electric vehicle market and plans to launch its own brand of electric vehicles in the future. This strategic initiative will rely on the electric vehicle platform of its parent company, Hon Hai Precision Industry, to ensure technological strength and market competitiveness.

In order to showcase its innovative capabilities in the field of electric vehicles, Sharp will showcase a concept electric vehicle called LDK+at the "Tech Day" technology exhibition on September 17th. This concept car will integrate artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, showcasing the cutting-edge applications of AIoT.



(From: Fast Technology)




Volvo reduce lowers profit margin and revenue expectations again






According to Reuters, on September 5th, Swedish car manufacturer Volvo Cars lowered its profit margin and revenue expectations for the second time this year. The day before, the company had just abandoned its goal of achieving full electrification by 2030.

Now, Volvo Cars has lowered its expected operating profit margin (excluding joint ventures and associates) from "over 8%" to "7% -8%".

Volvo has also abandoned its revenue forecast of 550 billion to 600 billion Swedish kronor (approximately 53.5 billion to 58.4 billion US dollars), but stated that it expects its growth rate to exceed that of the luxury car market.

This is the second time in a year that Volvo has lowered its profit margin and revenue targets. In January of this year, Volvo Cars abandoned its goal of achieving an annual EBIT margin of 8-10% and annual sales of 1.2 million vehicles by 2025, which was announced in 2021.



(From: gasgoo)




Volkswagen claims to have an excess production capacity of 500000 vehicles in Europe, equivalent to two factories


9月4日,大众汽车CFO Arno Antlitz表示,自疫情以来欧洲的需求一直没有恢复,该地区全行业的汽车交付量比高峰期少了约200万辆。Antlitz说,大众已经损失了约“50万辆汽车的销量,相当于大约两个工厂的销量”,公司需要提高生产率,降低成本。此前,大众表示正考虑关闭德国工厂以进一步削减开支。

On September 4th, Volkswagen CFO Arno Antlitz stated that demand in Europe has not recovered since the pandemic, with industry wide car deliveries in the region about 2 million fewer than peak hours. Antlitz said that Volkswagen has lost about "500000 car sales, equivalent to the sales of about two factories," and the company needs to improve productivity and reduce costs. Previously, Volkswagen stated that it was considering closing its German factories to further reduce expenses.


(来源:第一电动网 diev)

(From: First Electric Net/ Diev)



纯电动力 大众Scout品牌新车将于年内发布

The pure electric Volkswagen Scout brand new car will be released within the year




Recently, Car Quality Network learned from relevant channels that the new pickup and SUV models under the Volkswagen Scout brand will be officially released on October 24th. In 2022, Volkswagen Group announced that it will revitalize the Scout brand and invest 450 million euros to collaborate with Magna to develop two new models under the Scout brand. In March of this year, Volkswagen announced the construction of a new factory worth $2 billion, with an expected annual production capacity of over 200000 vehicles.

For the two new cars under the Scout brand, Volkswagen has outsourced the design and most of the work to Magna.



(From: Car Quality Net)




Audi Brussels factory seeks buyers to avoid closure


盖世汽车 gasgoo讯 据外媒报道,奥迪证实,在未来几年内,大众集团没有计划在其比利时布鲁塞尔Forest工厂生产任何车型。因此,为该工厂寻找买家可能是避免关厂和数千人失业的唯一途径。



9月3日,奥迪还单独宣布,Thomas Bogus将从9月16日开始担任布鲁塞尔工厂的新任厂长,以接替在奥迪担任新职务的Volker Germann。Thomas Bogus目前担任奥迪欧洲区和中国区纯电动汽车生产的项目经理。

According to foreign media reports, Audi has confirmed that Volkswagen Group has no plans to produce any models at its Forest factory in Brussels, Belgium in the coming years. Therefore, finding a buyer for the factory may be the only way to avoid closure and thousands of job losses.

As a result, Audi's Brussels factory's plan to gradually resume production on September 4th may be disrupted. The factory was originally planned to resume operations this week, with two teams producing 15 vehicles per hour.

In recent weeks, there have been rumors circulating in the industry that Chinese car manufacturers are interested in acquiring Audi's Brussels factory.

On September 3rd, Audi also announced separately that Thomas Bogus will take over as the new factory manager of the Brussels factory from September 16th, replacing Volker Germann who has taken on a new role at Audi. Thomas Bogus currently serves as the project manager for Audi's pure electric vehicle production in Europe and China.



(Source: Gasgoo)




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