2024第33周 行业简讯 Week33 News



2024第33周 行业简讯

Week33 News(2024.8.12-8.18)



Silis acquires equity for 1.4 billion yuan



According to the tram report, recently, Seres Group announced its intention to acquire 19.355% equity of Seres Automobile held by Chongqing Jinxin Equity Investment Fund Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership), a minority shareholder of its holding subsidiary Seres Automobile Co., Ltd., for a transaction amount of approximately 1.329 billion yuan. After the completion of the transaction, the company's shareholding in SAIC Motor increased from 80.645% to 100%. It is reported that Seres Group signed a "Equity Transfer Agreement" with Jinxin Fund on August 8th, and the board of directors approved the acquisition proposal on the same day.



(Source: Tram Report)




Henan Lifan once again failed to capture photos



According to Interface News, on August 13th, Alibaba's auction showed that the second auction of Henan Lifan New Energy Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd.'s asset package failed again due to no bidders. Compared with the first auction in July, the starting price of Henan Lifan Asset Package has shrunk from 98.948613 million yuan to 79.158891 million yuan. According to the bidding announcement, the subject matter of this auction is all registered inventory (raw materials, in stock turnover materials, inventory goods), machinery and equipment, electronic equipment, vehicles and other assets of Henan Lifan.



(Source: Interface News)




SAIC GM plummets 82%



According to Electric Zhijia, SAIC Group recently released its production and sales report for July 2024, which showed that the group sold a total of 251484 cars in July, a sharp decrease of 37.16%; In the first seven months, a total of 2078438 units were sold, a decrease of 15.92%. Among them, SAIC GM's performance is particularly sluggish. In July, SAIC General Motors only wholesale 15000 vehicles, a year-on-year drop of 82.42%; In the first seven months, a total of 240579 vehicles were wholesale, a decrease of 55.14%, and the sales scale fell to the fourth place within the group.



(Source: Electric Zhijia)





BYD hires on a large scale


从电动知家获悉,比亚迪郑州基地近期宣布,其新款车型宋L DM-i的周销量已突破万辆。受新车型大量订单的推动,比亚迪郑州基地现已启动本年度第二轮大规模招聘活动,所有职位均属直接招聘,单月招聘规模达4000人。

According to Electric Zhijia, BYD's Zhengzhou base recently announced that the weekly sales of its new model, the Song L DM-i, have exceeded 10000 units. Driven by a large number of orders for new car models, BYD Zhengzhou base has launched the second round of large-scale recruitment activities for this year, with all positions directly recruited and a monthly recruitment scale of 4000 people.



(Source: Electric Zhijia)




Chery intends to invest in Cambodia



According to CMA, a China Vietnam India manufacturing industry observer, recently, Xu Hui, Vice General Manager of Chery Holdings, revealed during a visit to Prime Minister Hong Manai that Chery intends to invest in Cambodia. This is another Chinese automotive company's statement on building a Cambodian manufacturing base, following BYD's announcement last month of plans to invest in an electric vehicle factory in Cambodia.



(Source: CMA from China Vietnam India Manufacturing Industry Observation)




Volkswagen intends to build the "Oriental Wolf Fortress" and will concentrate on researching and developing pure electric models in Anhui province


36 氪消息,大众汽车已经将中国的纯电车的研发集中至位于安徽的大众汽车(中国)科技有限公司(以下称 VCTC)。报道称,此轮调整将有大量人员将转移至安徽的 VCTC 或调动至其他业务,北京研发中心则保留了一些混动项目开发。大众汽车在华成立的三家合资公司:大众安徽、上汽大众、一汽大众,将同时承接由 VCTC 开发新车的生产与销售工作。

36Kr News: Volkswagen has centralized the research and development of pure electric vehicles in China to Volkswagen (China) Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as VCTC) located in Anhui. According to the report, a large number of personnel will be transferred to VCTC in Anhui or transferred to other businesses in this round of adjustment, while the Beijing R&D center will retain some hybrid project development. The three joint ventures established by Volkswagen in China: Volkswagen Anhui, SAIC Volkswagen, and FAW Volkswagen, will simultaneously undertake the production and sales of new cars developed by VCTC.


有内部人员表示,VCTC 的角色,就是把大众的研发,向东迁移了 7000 公里,VCTC 将成为东方狼堡。而承担重任的 VCTC,目前员工规模在 2000 人左右,2024 年的目标是招满 3000 人。消息称未来大众在华的纯电汽车将集中在MEB和CMP两个纯电平台打造,这两个平台都将应用由 VCTC、CARIAD(大众集团的全球软件技术和创新中心)及小鹏汽车共同开发的 CEA 电子电气架构。

Internal personnel have stated that the role of VCTC is to relocate Volkswagen's research and development to the east for 7000 kilometers, and VCTC will become the Oriental Wolf Fortress. And VCTC, which undertakes the heavy responsibility, currently has a staff size of around 2000 people, with the goal of recruiting 3000 people by 2024. It is reported that in the future, Volkswagen's pure electric vehicles in China will be built on two pure electric platforms, MEB and CMP, both of which will use the CEA electronic and electrical architecture jointly developed by VCTC, CARIAD (Volkswagen Group's global software technology and innovation center), and Xiaopeng Motors.


(来源:36 氪)

(Source: 36Kr)




Buick sold to SAIC and Chevrolet to exit China? SAIC GM's new general manager Lu Xiao denies


IT之家8月16日消息,上汽通用新任总经理卢晓近日接受经济观察网采 访,对近期传闻和上汽通用后续规划进行解答、回应。卢晓在回应近期“通用将别克出售给上汽、雪佛兰品牌退出中国”有关消息时表示,“关于别克和雪佛兰品牌等去向的猜测都是传言,未来上汽通用还将继续秉承‘多品牌、差异化’的发展战略,同步发力新老赛道。”卢晓称,上汽通用会保持当前转型战略的持续性,基于更多新能源技术和“油电同智”的智能网联科技,持续赋能凯迪拉克、别克和雪佛兰三大品牌,陆续推出更多贴合本土消费者需求的新产品。而业界对上汽通用前景存疑的主要原因,则是销量下滑。针对销量下滑引发的经销商关店退网现象,卢晓表示,上汽通用今年来已经采取了一系列快速有力的措施,改变产销关联模式,加强了对经销商的商务政策扶持,旨在纾解渠道压力,实现量利平衡。

On August 16th, IT Home reported that Lu Xiao, the newly appointed general manager of SAIC General Motors, recently gave an interview to Economic Observer Network to answer and respond to recent rumors and SAIC General Motors' follow-up plans. In response to recent news about General Motors selling Buick to SAIC and Chevrolet withdrawing from China, Lu Xiao said, "Speculations about the direction of Buick and Chevrolet brands are just rumors. In the future, SAIC General Motors will continue to adhere to the development strategy of 'multi brand, differentiation' and simultaneously focus on new and old tracks." Lu Xiao said that SAIC General Motors will maintain the continuity of its current transformation strategy, based on more new energy technologies and intelligent connected technology of 'oil, electricity and intelligence', continue to empower Cadillac, Buick and Chevrolet brands, and gradually launch more new products that meet the needs of local consumers. The main reason why the industry has doubts about the prospects of SAIC General Motors is the decline in sales. In response to the phenomenon of dealership closures and closures caused by declining sales, Lu Xiao stated that SAIC General Motors has taken a series of rapid and effective measures this year, changing the production and sales relationship model, strengthening business policy support for dealerships, aiming to alleviate channel pressure and achieve a balance between quantity and profit.



(Source: IT Home)




BYD's Li Yunfei denies acquiring Chrysler: false information


IT之家8 月 16 日消息,比亚迪集团-品牌及公关处总经理李云飞今日在微博辟谣,称网传比亚迪收购克莱斯勒,为不实信息。克莱斯勒(Chrysler)是美国“三巨头”汽车制造商之一,总部位于密歇根州奥本山,由沃尔特克莱斯勒在 1925 年创立,现在隶属于荷兰汽车公司 Stellantis 的美国子公司。

On August 16th, IT Home reported that Li Yunfei, General Manager of Brand and Public Relations Department of BYD Group, denied rumors on Weibo today, stating that the online rumor of BYD's acquisition of Chrysler is false information. Chrysler is one of the "Big Three" automobile manufacturers in the United States, headquartered in Auburn Hills, Michigan. It was founded by Walter Chrysler in 1925 and is now a subsidiary of the Dutch car company Stellantis in the United States.



(Source: IT Home)




BYD may enter the Pakistani market



According to Caixin Sales, BYD plans to collaborate with a local manufacturer to build a factory in Karachi, Pakistan, where there are assembly plants for other car manufacturers including Toyota, Suzuki, and Kia. It is reported that the factory will be completed in the first half of 2026, and the specific details are still under discussion. According to informed sources, BYD will showcase three models planned to be sold in Pakistan, including an SUV and a sedan, at a brand launch event on Saturday local time. BYD plans to launch more models in the market, including pure electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.



(Source: Caixin)




General Motors responds to rumors of restructuring and layoffs, indirectly denying that it will withdraw from China


澎湃新闻消息,8月14日,就网传通用汽车中国业务重组、裁员等传言,通用中国方面回应称,与上汽集团的合作伙伴关系和推动合资企业长期发展的承诺没有改变。我们(通用汽车)将继续为中国消费者提供最好的产品和技术,为未来做好产品规划。正如通用汽车首席财务官保罗·雅各布森 (Paul Jacobson) 上周在投资者会议上所说的,“中国业务对于我们的现在和未来而言都是优质资产。”通用中国方面表示,“为了实现长期发展目标,我们与合资伙伴上汽集团的合作交流比以往更加紧密,以实现盈利和可持续发展。”

According to Pengpai News, on August 14th, in response to rumors circulating online about General Motors China's business restructuring and layoffs, General Motors China stated that its partnership with SAIC Group and commitment to promoting the long-term development of the joint venture have not changed. We (General Motors) will continue to provide the best products and technologies for Chinese consumers and plan our products for the future. As General Motors Chief Financial Officer Paul Jacobson said at an investor conference last week, "China's business is a high-quality asset for our present and future." General Motors China stated, "In order to achieve long-term development goals, our cooperation and communication with our joint venture partner SAIC Group are closer than ever to achieve profitability and sustainable development



(Source: The Paper News)




Guangxi Wan'an New Energy Vehicle Project begins construction



According to NE Times New Energy, recently, at the construction site at No. 16 Hengliu Road, Cheyuan, Liudong New District, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province, Guangxi Wan'an Automotive Chassis System Co., Ltd. officially broke ground for the project of "adding 1 million sets of new energy vehicle chassis and 1 million sets of battery shell enclosures".



(Source: NE Era New Energy)




The factory operating rates of the two major battery manufacturers in South Korea have significantly decreased


中国汽车报:据韩国中央日报消息,今年上半年,由于电动汽车需求停滞,整车制造商的新订单减少,韩国两大电池制造商的工厂开工率大幅下降。LG新能源今年上半年的平均工厂开工率为59.4%,较去年上半年的74.8%下降15.4个百分点。SK On今年上半年的平均开工率为53.0%,相比去年上半年的97.6%骤降44.6个百分点。

China Automotive News: According to the Korean Central Daily News, in the first half of this year, due to stagnant demand for electric vehicles and a decrease in new orders from vehicle manufacturers, the factory operating rates of the two major battery manufacturers in South Korea have significantly decreased. The average factory operating rate of LG New Energy in the first half of this year was 59.4%, a decrease of 15.4 percentage points from 74.8% in the first half of last year. The average operating rate of SK On in the first half of this year was 53.0%, a sharp drop of 44.6 percentage points compared to 97.6% in the first half of last year.



(Source: China Automotive News)




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