2024第29周 行业简讯 Week29 News Week29 Auto Industry News



| 宝马中国将退出价格战



|BMW China will withdraw from the price war

According to Autohome, BMW China has decided to stop its nearly one-year "price reduction guarantee share" policy. According to reports, due to the price war causing severe losses in stores, BMW will stabilize prices and alleviate operational pressure on stores by reducing sales volume starting from July. Regarding this, BMW China stated that in the second half of the year, it will focus on business quality in the Chinese market and support dealers to work steadily.

(Source: Autohome)



| 上汽集团首座欧洲工厂或落地西班牙



|SAIC Group's first European factory may land in Spain

According to Interface News, SAIC Group is currently in talks with the Spanish Ministry of Industry to consider establishing an electric vehicle factory in the country to produce its MG cars. SAIC Group will make a decision before September 30th that the new factory may become its first electric vehicle factory in Europe, and plans to produce the first car in the fourth quarter of 2027.

(Source: Interface News)



| 上汽通用腰斩?



|SAIC GM beheaded?

According to Chejian Tianxia, SAIC-GM's cumulative sales from January to June were 225579 vehicles, a year-on-year decrease of 49.98%.

(Source: Chejian Tianxia)



| 洪玛奈首相会见中国车企比亚迪高管




|Prime Minister Hong Mane meets with senior executives of Chinese car company BYD

On July 16th, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Ma Nai posted on social media that he had met with Liu Xueliang, General Manager of BYD's Asia Pacific Automotive Sales Division, and that BYD plans to invest in establishing an electric vehicle assembly plant in Cambodia, which can assemble 20000 electric vehicles annually. The Cambodian factory will become BYD's second production base in Southeast Asia. Hong Manai stated that the electric vehicles produced by BYD's Cambodia factory can not only supply the Cambodian market, but also be exported to other Southeast Asian countries. On the 4th of this month, BYD's Thailand factory was completed and put into operation, with an annual production capacity of about 150000 vehicles.

BYD has been continuously releasing signals of overseas expansion recently, and as of now, the planned production capacity of BYD's overseas factories may have reached 1.25 million vehicles.

(Source: Caixin)



| 华为与江淮合作品牌确定为尊界



|Huawei and Jianghuai collaborate to establish a brand as Zunjie

According to Interface News, on the evening of July 15th, Yu Chengdong, Chairman of Huawei's Terminal BG and Intelligent Automotive Solutions BU, revealed during a live conversation with Dong Yuhui, partner of Dongfang Zhenxuan, that the car brand launched by Huawei in cooperation with Jianghuai Automobile is "Zunjie", rather than the previously widely circulated "Aojie".

(Source: Interface News)



| 埃安泰国工厂竣工

据IT之家报道,7月17日,广汽埃安泰国智能生态工厂竣工暨第二代AION V同步全球下线活动上,广汽集团董事长曾庆洪发表演讲。他表示,去年泰国电动车销量增长速度非常快,相信广汽集团在泰国的投资能够实现双赢。


|Ian Thailand factory completed

According to IT Home, on July 17th, Zeng Qinghong, Chairman of GAC Group, delivered a speech at the completion of the GAC Aion Thailand Intelligent Ecological Factory and the synchronized global offline event of the second generation AION V. He stated that the sales growth rate of electric vehicles in Thailand was very fast last year, and he believes that GAC Group's investment in Thailand can achieve a win-win situation.

(Source: IT Home)



| 大众工程师入驻小鹏?小鹏:合作信息很快披露







|Volkswagen engineers joining Xiaopeng? Xiaopeng: Cooperation information will be disclosed soon

On July 18th, GAC Motor noticed that industry media reported that hundreds of Volkswagen engineers have settled in the headquarters of Xiaopeng Motors in Guangzhou, according to industry insiders who revealed on Weibo today.

If the news is true, it means that the technology cooperation between Volkswagen and Xiaopeng Motors has been fully upgraded.

The person quoted sources as saying, "The coverage of both sides is very broad, and the depth of cooperation is unprecedented

However, this Weibo post was quickly deleted.

Regarding this, relevant media in the industry have sought verification from the public relations department of Xiaopeng Motors. They will not comment on the relevant information, but stated that detailed information about further cooperation between Volkswagen and Xiaopeng will be disclosed next week.

(Source: auto gasgoo)



| 曝广汽丰田退出价格战 官方回应:还有优惠 但价格趋向稳定







|GAC Toyota withdraws from price war, official response: there are still discounts, but prices tend to be stable

On July 21st, Kuai Technology reported that recently, reports about GAC Toyota following luxury fuel car brands such as BMW to exit the price war have attracted widespread attention.

In response to this, a representative from GAC Toyota stated in an interview that the official has never announced its withdrawal from the price war, and this incident was purely accidental.

The person clearly stated that GAC Toyota's models will still offer discounted prices, but the discount amount will tend to stabilize.

At the same time, the person also revealed that many employees within the company are confused about the news circulating online about withdrawing from the price war.

Previously, BMW sparked heated discussions over the topic of "withdrawing from the Chinese price war".

(Source: Fast Technology)



| 比亚迪计划在越南市场大举扩张



Vo Minh Luc在一封发送给路透社的电邮声明中表示,比亚迪正在与越南多个地方当局进行谈判,以优化建厂计划。


|BYD plans to expand aggressively in the Vietnamese market

According to Reuters, Chinese electric vehicle manufacturer BYD opened its first batch of stores in Vietnam this week and outlined its plans to actively expand its dealer network in Vietnam, posing a serious challenge to local Vietnamese competitor VinFast.

Currently, all models provided by BYD to Vietnam are imported from China. The Vietnamese government announced last year that BYD had decided to build a factory in the northern part of the country to produce electric vehicles, but according to the operator of the industrial park in northern Vietnam in March this year, BYD's plan to build a factory in Vietnam has slowed down.

Vo Minh Luc stated in an email statement sent to Reuters that BYD is in negotiations with multiple local authorities in Vietnam to optimize its factory construction plan.

(Source: auto gasgoo)


| 欧盟或降低大众和宝马中国产电动汽车的进口关税



此前,宝马在华生产的电动MINI和大众旗下品牌西雅特生产的Cupra Tavascan并未纳入欧盟的样本分析,本将自动适用最高关税水平。





|EU may reduce import tariffs on Chinese made electric vehicles from Volkswagen and BMW

According to Reuters, two informed sources revealed that the European Commission has sent a signal to Volkswagen and BMW that it may consider reducing import tariffs on electric vehicles manufactured by these two car manufacturers in China.

According to informed sources, the European Commission is willing to classify Volkswagen and BMW as companies cooperating with the sampling survey, thereby reducing the tariffs on Chinese made models of the two car companies to 20.8%, while the tariffs under the current plan are 37.6%.

Previously, the electric MINI produced by BMW in China and the Cupra Tavascan produced by Volkswagen's SEAT brand were not included in the sample analysis of the European Union and would have automatically been subject to the highest tariff level.

Two insiders said that the EU has not yet made a final decision on whether to reduce import tariffs on Chinese made electric vehicles from Volkswagen and BMW. If the EU reaches an agreement with Volkswagen and BMW, it will be the EU's first preliminary compromise on tariff issues. In addition to Volkswagen and BMW, American automaker Tesla, which produces electric vehicles in China, may also receive separately calculated tax rates in the final stage.

The EU's imposition of import tariffs on Chinese made electric vehicles will harm the interests of some top European car manufacturers, as they produce cars in China and export them to the EU region. The German Association of Automobile Manufacturers also opposes tariffs, as one-third of German car manufacturers' revenue came from China last year and the organization is concerned that China may take countermeasures.

Volkswagen declined to comment on the above report, while BMW has not yet made a comment.

(Source: auto gasgoo)


| 小米获独立造车资质



|Xiaomi obtains independent car manufacturing qualification

According to reports from the automotive industry, recently, in the 385th batch of "Announcement on Road Motor Vehicle Production Enterprises and Products" released on the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, four "Xiaomi brand" pure electric sedans appeared, and the full new tail label of Xiaomi SU7 was registered, changing from the original "Beijing Xiaomi" to "Xiaomi". It is worth noting that the production company name of Xiaomi SU7 has been changed to "Xiaomi Automotive Technology Co., Ltd. This means that Xiaomi Auto has officially obtained the qualification for independent car manufacturing. Prior to this, Xiaomi's declared company name was actually "Beijing Automotive Group Off road Vehicle Co., Ltd.

(Source: Focus on the automotive industry)


| 曝宝能即将参与众泰运营:多位高管已入职



|Baoneng is about to participate in Zotye operations: multiple executives have joined

According to Kuai Technology, several executives from Baoneng Group and its affiliated company Shenzhen Jinshuo Trading Co., Ltd. have taken on key positions at Zotye Auto, including Vice President of Marketing, Vice President of Manufacturing, and Chief Financial Officer. This marks that Baoneng Group has essentially begun to participate in Zotye Auto's operational management.

(Source: Fast Technology)


| 特斯拉上海超级工厂恢复满负荷运营

7 月 18 日新京报报道,7 月 15 日记 者实地探访时,特斯拉上海超级工厂正满负荷运行,在 ModelY生产线上,平均大概每 30 秒左右就有一辆 Model Y新车下线。今年早些时候,有报道称特斯拉正在限制上海超级工厂的汽车产量,路透社甚至在5月下旬称,特斯拉计划在 2024 年 3 月至 6 月期间削减该工厂至少 20% 的汽车产量。虽然特斯拉中国对此一直保持沉默,但今年的新车注册量和出口量确实低于去年同期水平。然而,随着第三季度到来,特斯拉似乎正在全力冲刺年底交付目标。

特斯拉 CEO 埃隆马斯克曾表示,今年的汽车销量有望超过去年。为了实现这一目标,上海工厂无疑需要全速运转。


|Tesla Shanghai Gigafactory resumes full load operation

On July 18th, the New Beijing News reported that during the on-site visit by reporters on July 15th, Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory was operating at full capacity. On the Model Y production line, an average of about one Model Y new car was produced every 30 seconds. Earlier this year, there were reports that Tesla was limiting the car production at its Shanghai Gigafactory. Reuters even announced in late May that Tesla plans to cut at least 20% of the factory's car production between March and June 2024. Although Tesla China has remained silent on this, the number of new car registrations and exports this year are indeed lower than the same period last year. However, as the third quarter approaches, Tesla seems to be fully committed to its year-end delivery target.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Musk has stated that this year's car sales are expected to exceed last year's. To achieve this goal, the Shanghai factory undoubtedly needs to operate at full speed.

(Source: First Electric)


| 比亚迪计划在柬埔寨设厂,每年组装 2 万辆电动汽车

快科技7月16日消息,柬埔寨首相洪玛奈当地时间 7 月 15 日在社交媒体发文称,与比亚迪亚太汽车销售事业部 CEO 刘学亮会面。比亚迪计划在柬投资设立电动车组装厂,每年可组装 2 万辆。洪玛奈称,在柬组装的比亚迪电动车除供应柬埔寨市场外,也将出口到其他国家和地区。比亚迪目前在中国、泰国等地设有汽车制造和组装工厂。7 月 4 日,比亚迪泰国工厂已竣工投产,年产能约 15 万辆。此外,印尼工业园区开发商 Suryacipta Swadaya 在 4 月 30 日发布声明称,比亚迪已将工业园区“梳邦智能城市”(Subang Smartpolitan)作为电动汽车工厂选址,厂区占地面积超 108 公顷,使比亚迪成为该园区最大租户,预计 2026 年 1 月投运。


|BYD plans to set up a factory in Cambodia and assemble 20000 electric vehicles annually

Kuai Technology reported on July 16th that Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Ma Nai announced on social media on July 15th that he had met with Liu Xueliang, CEO of BYD's Asia Pacific Automotive Sales Division. BYD plans to invest in establishing an electric vehicle assembly plant in Cambodia, which can assemble 20000 vehicles annually. Hong Manai stated that the BYD electric vehicles assembled in Cambodia will not only supply the Cambodian market, but also be exported to other countries and regions. BYD currently has automobile manufacturing and assembly factories in China, Thailand, and other places. On July 4th, BYD's Thailand factory was completed and put into operation, with an annual production capacity of about 150000 vehicles. In addition, Indonesian industrial park developer Suryacipta Swadaya announced on April 30th that BYD has chosen the Subang Smartpolitan industrial park as the location for its electric vehicle factory. The factory covers an area of over 108 hectares, making BYD the largest tenant in the park and expected to be put into operation in January 2026.

(Source: Fast Technology)



| 上汽集团首座欧洲工厂或落地西班牙



|SAIC Group's first European factory may land in Spain

SAIC Group is currently in talks with the Spanish Ministry of Industry to consider establishing an electric vehicle factory in the country to produce its MG cars. It is reported that SAIC Group will make a decision before September 30th, and the new factory may become its first electric vehicle factory in Europe, with plans to produce the first car in the fourth quarter of 2027.

(Source: First Electric Network)



| 捷克上半年汽车产量创新高


7月18日,捷克游说团体汽车工业协会(Automotive Industry Association)在一份新闻稿中表示,今年1至6月,捷克共生产774,310辆乘用车,较去年同期增长4.9%。其中,大众集团旗下的斯柯达以及现代汽车和丰田汽车在当地的子公司是该国三大汽车制造商。



|Czech Republic hits new high in car production in the first half of the year

According to Bloomberg, in the first half of this year, the car production of the Czech Republic rose to the highest level in the same period in history, and the auto industry is recovering from the shortage of parts after the COVID-19 epidemic. For this Central European country, the automotive industry is crucial to its economic development.

On July 18th, the Czech lobbying group Automotive Industry Association stated in a press release that from January to June this year, the Czech Republic produced a total of 774310 passenger cars, an increase of 4.9% compared to the same period last year. Among them, Skoda, a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group, and local subsidiaries of Hyundai and Toyota are the three major car manufacturers in the country.

Skoda is the largest domestic car manufacturer in the Czech Republic, producing 473582 passenger cars in the first half of this year (up 2% year-on-year). Among them, 41268 vehicles (down 6% year-on-year) were launched in the Czech market, while 432314 vehicles (up 2.8% year-on-year) were launched in foreign markets. During this period, the brand produced 32810 electric vehicles (including pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles), accounting for nearly 7% of the brand's total production.

(Source: auto gasgoo)





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